Categories for Blog

Donna Moderna 32/2017



A selection of pictures from the project Liminal – entering the enigma is featured on Donna Moderna n°32/2017

for an article about adolescence



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GUP Magazine #53 Infinity



In GUP Magazine #53 INFINITY out on May 17th, along with a great selection of works there is a beautiful feature on

my project ‘In the room’.



GUP52_Francesca Cesari-1


GUP #053 – Infinity


Where do we begin, when we talk about infinity? Where do we end? Or, is that looking at it the wrong way entirely,

because we’ve already been doing it, and will always continue, forever?

As individual humans, we are bound by the constraints of our biology. We do not experience the infinite first-hand,

so we conceive of it as an idea. We understand the notion of limitlessness because we experience limits,

and then spend our lives in pursuit of trespassing the boundaries that confine us in this reality.


Artists featured in this issue: Benedict Redgrove, Osheen Harruthoonyan, Katrin Koenning, Jessica Thalmann,

Hannes Wiedemann, Francesca Cesari, Natalia Wiernik, Matjaz Tancic, Xiaoyi Chen a.o.


diventa morandi > grizzana



Una nuova edizione ampliata del progetto  DIVENTA MORANDI si terrà presso la Casa del pittore a Grizzana

sabato 27 maggio, in occasione di ITACA’ – il Festival del turismo responsabile.


DIVENTA MORANDI è un evento performativo che esplora l’universo umano e artistico di Giorgio Morandi,

attraverso diverse sensibilità e linguaggi, dalla cucina alla fotografia, dalla danza alla performance,

dal suono al guardare esperienziale.


A cura di Incontrarsi nell’Arte, un progetto di e con Francesca Cesari, Rita Correddu -con la collaborazione di Michele Braga-,

Maria Rapagnetta, Emilia Sintoni, Giuseppina Siotto e Laura Ulisse



Diventa Morandi Grizzana mail postcard

Donna Moderna 22/2017



A selection of pictures from the project In the room is featured on Donna Moderna n°22/2017

for an article about breastfeeding



Forma latte materno.indd   Forma latte materno.indd

Edge of Humanity Magazine



A selection of photographs from the series In the room is featured in Edge of Humanity Magazine


Edge of Humanity is an online magazine edited by Joelcy Kay, “committed to publishing the human condition,

the raw diverse global entanglement with total impartiality. The daily life of people, from their moments

of pleasure, to the pain they suffer, to the atrocities they caused and everything in between,

regardless of political, religious or social content.”

“Although corruption, greed and power have existed since the beginning of mankind,

these and other destructive forces have systematically increased to out of control proportions

in today’s financial, political and technologically interconnected world. Likewise, there is a tremendous

urgency for people of all cultures to work together though open dialogue to continue to counterbalance

inequality and make the world a better place for present and future generations.”



Edge of Humanity_In the room

GIOIA! 14/2017



A selection of pictures from the project Siblings is featured on GIOIA! 14/2017 for a piece about sisterhood



